Arnell's Favorite Links - Updated: March 24th 2025
Favorite Links
Treasured Indie Decks:
The wondrous
Pholarchos Tarot, by
Carmen Sorrenti
(published by
Arnell's Art.
companion guide currently available for FREE
Greek Goddess Tarot
the latest deck by
Ellen L-Prince.
Order on Etsy.
Tarot of the Crone
a beloved deck by Ellen L-Prince (published by
Arnell's Art)
- Out of Print
Dark Goddess Tarot:
a powerful deck by
Ellen Lorenzi-Prince
(originally published by
Arnell's Art
- 2013)
now with a full color book from
Schiffer Publishing
Minoan Tarot
Ellen L-Prince,
includes a beautifully written booklet which compliments a deeply expressive offering to this ancient culture (published by
Arnell's Art).
Order on Etsy.
Video Tarot
Limited Ed. deck/book set exploring Tarot archetypes, viewed through the lens of 22 celebrated indie films
(published by
Arnell's Art)
Pagan Otherworlds, Brut Tarot, Eros: Garden of Love
and so many gorgeous, beautifully crafted decks -by
Linnea Gits & Peter Dunham of Uusi
Cool B&W set
Le Tarot Noir, by French illustrator, Matthieu Hackiere
Historic reproduction by il Meneghello, of
Visconti de Modrone - Aka: Cary Yale Tarot
Emi in Wonderland Tarot deck, book & box set
collab from il Meneghello & Tarot Museo - ( OOP )
LiteraTarot - America
A collaborative deck (hosted by me - Arnell) with 22 U.S. artists each creating a card that corresponds to literary work
Wheel of Change by Alexandra Genetti
- 2nd Ed. self-published fabulously in 2016
Jumbledance Tarot:
fascinating, complex and well designed collage deck by
Alexandra Genetti
- finally available (beautifully produced, self-published edition)
Gypsy Palace Tarot
by Nora Huszka, colorful and mesmerizing
Stolen Child Tarot
beautiful, sweet self-published deck by Monica Knighton (of Tarot of the Dead), inspired by the Yeats poem
el Tarot de Marcelino
- created & self-published by Lynyrd Narciso
Pen Tarot & Wild Green Chagallian Tarot are both sadly OOP
but this exceptional artist is usually up to wonderful creative projects
22 Arcani in 22 Numeri
- A beautiful, handcrafted deck and box set by Osvaldo Menegazzi
Tarocchi Metaforici
- Osvaldo Menegazzi's gorgeous handcrafted deck & box set
Rock & Roll Tarot
by Chris Paradis 1st and 2nd Ed. (OOP)
Gaian Tarot by Joanna P. Colbert
a blend of earth centered spirituality & cross-cultural myth.
New edition in 2025!
Artist Inner Vision Tarot
a lovely collaborative collage deck set I was proud to be a party to, many moons ago
Favorite Published Decks
Tarot of Bologna,
(18th Century), published by il Meneghello - OOP
Gaian Tarot
by Joanna P. Colbert, published by Llewellyn in 2011
Deviant Moon Tarot
has a dark, dreamy surreal quality - published by US Games
Karma Tarot
By Birgit Boline Erfurt - Published by US Games 1983
Medieval Scapini Tarot
- republished by U.S. Games 2004
Nigel Jackson Tarot
(re-issued as Medieval Enchantment Tarot, also OOP)
Tarot of the Magical Forest
- re-published by Lo Scarabeo in 2008
Golden Tarot of Klimt by Atanassov
based on the art of Gustav Klimt
Touchstone Tarot,
by Kat Black
Golden Tarot, also by Kat Black
Motherpeace Tarot by Vogel and Noble
Tarot by Louisa Poole
Alice Tarot
from Baba Studios
Ceccoli Tarot
by Nicoletta Ceccoli from Lo Scarabeo
Tarot Deck Printers for Self Publishing
My helpful essay on tips & links re:
Self-Publishing Your Own Deck
- (updated)
Shuffled Ink
(Florida) Reasonably priced, can customize cards, lwb, box - size. Offers small, in-house print jobs too (1000 optimal). Free help from Graphics Dept. Have worked with them many times!
Expert Playing Card Company:
(N.Y.) tends to work with publishers & graphic artists with strong Adobe Illustrator skills but open to Photoshop based clientele. Excellent quality.
Carti Mundi:
well-established, no-nonsense card publisher. May charges extra for art/graphics dept assistance.
WinGo Games Printers:
recommended for challenging projects including
Round Shaped Decks
Tarot Art Sites
Museo dei Tarocchi
Tarot Museum in Italy - And Arnell's
Mini Museo Site
has easy access to the highlights & decks
Osvaldo Menegazzi's - il Menegello
-the legendary publisher, artist & craftsman - The
site in Milan, IT
Fun & Free Tarot Stuff
1-card Tarot readings
from 'Tarot Decides'
(in English or Spanish)
real-time readings of tarot, palmistry, numerology
& more
Tarot Readings
in a fun, animated style, include useful meanings for your selected cards:
Tarot Readings
from a variety of unique spreads + a helpful
guide to Card Meanings:
Tarot by Mary Cole
Tarot Solitaire
- with the Waite/Smith Tarot,
shared by Community Outreach @ Solitaired
Free, Contemplative
Tarot Spreads
from Lizzie B of
Backyard Banshee
(Waite/Smith based)
Tarot Readings by Eva Delattre
Tarot Readings
from 'Dark Tarot' (in Italy)
Online Tarot Course
by Ian Eshey
Tarot Birth Cards Calculator
Makes it easy to determine the Tarot cards connected to you.
Waite-Smith e-postcards
Special Interest
A magical site filled with many of
Laurie Amato's fantastical Tarot decks and art boxes.
She's Legend!
Tokyo Tarot Museum
Tarot Collector's Forum (in 2022 became a historical archive)
Tarot History Forum
Michele Jackson's
blog on bone casting & divination
by talented artist, Leslie Cochran
Reinhard Schmid's Tarot Art Museum
(in Germany)
Blog of
Mr. LaLuna
(from Belgium), shares an eclectic assortment of rare and unusual Tarot decks sure to entice
Robert Place:
Tarot decks and art/history
Art Rosengarten's
book, essays, deck and workshops
Rachel Pollacks'
Tarot books and deck
Mary Greer's Blog
has Tarot views, reviews and interesting essays
Commercial Tarot Sites
U.S. Games
Tarot decks and books
Tarot decks and books
Schiffer Publishing
Tarot decks and books
Italian deck publisher
Museo dei Tarocchi
publishes limited ed. art and historical Tarot decks
Adam McLean,
a collector and well known British author has produced several limited edition Tarot art decks
for imported Italian decks (if you don't mind weeding through the inventory)
Other Special Sites (Non Tarot related)
TED: Host talks on anything from neuroscience to political activism to comedy.
Contemporary surreal artist-
Maggie Taylor
Kelly Vivanco's
mysterious & unusual art
Botano Cretan Mountain Herbs
- My fav for ordering flavorful loose-leaf teas & fresh herbs from Greece and
Joseph Campbell foundation
(cultural mythologist)
Robert Monroe
- (out of body experience research and exploration)