Princess of Coins - Objective, dedicated student
A young woman sits on a green throne in a field of poppies. Her fearless dog
sits protectively by her feet. From the neck down this princess is solid gold,
evoking King Midas. Desiring more than anything to be rich, he got his wish,
thereby turning everything he touched into gold, including his most cherished daughter.
One who takes learning seriously. Careful, diligent, although
sometimes solemn. Someone in tune with nature who has a deep connection to
animals. One who is kind, generous and nurturing. One who is open to new ideas.
This card can also signify an opportunity to make a great deal of money by
starting at the bottom with plenty of promise for the future.
An impractical, unrealistic person or view of the circumstances. Being wasteful
and unconcerned with the threat to resources.