The LiteraTarot Deck, USA
This Deck was Published by
For more info on each artist involved in this deck,
go here.
0 The Fool - Anissa Morello, I The Magician - Leslie Cochran, II The High Priestess - Diane Wilkes,
III The Empress - Sue Silva, IV The Emperor - Teppei Ando, V The Hierophant - John Glock, VI The Lovers
- NoMonet, VII The Chariot - Marie White, VIII Justice - Julie Cuccia Watts, IX The Hermit
- Arnell Ando, X The Wheel of Fortune - Jean Hutter, XI Strength - Sally Anne Stephen,
XII The Hanged One - Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, XIII Death - Michele Jackson, XIV Temperance -
Lunaea Weatherstone, XV The Devil - Alexandra Genetti, XVI The Tower - Chris Paradis,
XVII The Star - Joanna Powell Colbert, XVIII The Moon - Red Dog Scott,
XIX The Sun - Tamar Solomon, XX Judgment - Elizabeth Cherry Owen, XXI The World - Teresa Taranto
a review of this deck by Bonnie Cehovet,
LiteraTarot USA: € 30. Euro. + P&H from Italy
For U.S. Customer's an option to order from Arnell for
$35.00 while supplies last.